Dr Chris Brown

Dr Chris Brown is a veterinarian, television presenter and half the Australian female population’s hall pass.

He started out as a guest host on the super popular Harry’s Practice after being discovered trying to pick up a girl in a pub.  True story.  He was attempting to impress her with tales of the life of a vet and a TV executive just happened to overhear him.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Harry’s Practice was cancelled not long after Chris’ appearance and he’s not so sure it was a coincidence.  But he must have done something right because he’s gone on to become one of Australia’s busiest and most loved media personalities.

Dr Chris Brown hosts a list of shows as long as your arm including Bondi Vet, The Living Room, I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here, Chris & Julia’s Sunday Night Takeaway and Vet Gone Wild.

In this episode of You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere, Chris Brown he reveals why a six-foot-five bloke should never attempt the worm, why he’s uncomfortable with fame, the joy of having a career to fall back on when you work in an industry as precarious as media and the time he made a fool of himself in front of the late, great Nelson Mandela.  It’s worth a listen for that story alone.

Listen to the full interview with Dr Chris Brown here…

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