Hamish Macdonald

Hamish Macdonald is an Australian journalist and host of The Sunday Project.

He’s had an incredible career that’s seen him reporting from war zones, disasters and major world events.  He’s also worked as a reporter for some of the biggest news organisations in the world including the UK’s Channel 4 News, ABC News in the US and Al Jazeera English.

After years of living out of a suitcase, Hamish has finally settled back in Sydney where he’s host of The Sunday Project and a regular on ABC Radio National.

In this episode Hamish Macdonald talks about why jobs that look amazing on paper aren’t everything they’re cracked up to be, why conflict reporting isn’t as scary as you’d think it is, how a year at Havard reignited his passion for journalism and why growing up in a country town like Jindabyne prepared him for life as a foreign correspondent.

Listen to the full interview with Hamish Macdonald here…

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