Why you should batch record your podcast

Improving Your Show

Why you should batch record your podcast

Batch recording can save you from a podcast induced heart attack

If you’re planning on releasing a podcast episode every week you’ll need to have a plan in place.

Consistency is REALLY important in podcasting if you want your show to be a success but dropping episodes that regularly (or more regularly) is A LOT of work.

Batch recording is an easy way to get on top of your schedule so you’re not pulling your hair out every time that release date comes around.

The benefits of batch recording your podcast

It’s inevitable at some point during the course of your show you’ll get sick, have a family emergency, be too busy at work to concentrate on the show or you’ll just need to take some time off to rest.

If you’ve batch recorded episodes, your podcast can continue even when you’re not able to.

It also prevents you from ending up in a cold sweat the night before each show thinking “what the hell am I going to talk about tomorrow?”

Even if disaster doesn’t strike, batch recording means you can maintain a manageable pace and get your episodes out consistently and on time.

Since consistency is one of the most important factors in podcast success, batch recording can help you hit your release schedule and keep your podcast growth going.

What is batch recording?

Batch recording is the process of recording multiple episodes at a time so you can bank up weeks of content in advance rather than recording one episode at a time.

Maybe you decide Sunday night is your recording night, and you record four episodes in one go.

That’s four weeks of content you can prepare so if the proverbial hits the fan, you’ve got plenty of episodes up your sleeve and the show doesn’t have to stop, even if you do.

The beauty of batch recording is you can do as much or as little as you like, but the more you smash out in one go the better.

If you’re really short on time, even if you just do two episodes that means you’re recording fortnightly rather than weekly and even that small buffer will help a lot.

Does batch recording make your show sound better?

Yes! Planning episodes ahead of time isn’t just a good idea for your sanity it’s great for your content mix.

When you’re planning ahead you can see what’s coming up and curate your episodes so your audience gets something different every week.

Often, when you’re flying by the seat of your pants you end up stuck in the cycle of preparing things quickly.

That means it can be tempting to reach for the easiest idea which might be similar to the one you’ve done the week before.

By planning episodes in advance you’ll have plenty of time to prepare a better mix of content and this will give your listeners a much better experience.

You’ll also have more time for editing which is really important if you want your show to sound its best.

Is batch recording for everyone?

Unfortunately, no.

If your show contains topical content e.g. stories in the news cycle or content that’s ‘of the moment’ then batch recording will be difficult.

It’s usually only do-able if you have a show that works with general themes or evergreen topics that won’t date.  Or if you’re doing an interview show.

In fact, batch recording interviews is a GREAT idea because scheduling guests can be a nightmare, so getting ahead of yourself will make your job so much easier.

How do you batch record?

Set aside time to record each week and make sure it’s a no-go zone for social events (no matter how hot the person asking you out is).

Plan your content ahead of time and try to get as far ahead of yourself as possible.

That doesn’t mean you have to record all your episodes in one go but if you’ve planned everything out you’ll know what’s coming up and you can break up the recording into smaller batches so it’s manageable.

Don’t forget to schedule in editing time too because those episodes won’t polish themselves!

Be disciplined

You need to set yourself clear goals and turn the willpower on to get this kicking.

But once you start to get in the rhythm and realise how much less stressful it is to be ahead of yourself, it’ll be a no-brainer to keep this as a regular event in your podcasting schedule.

Got a burning podcasting question you’d like answered? Send me an email.

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help?  Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.


2 Responses

  1. Love it, love it, love. In the middle of getting my podcast together but knowing myself, batch recording WILL be on my to-do-list. Great information!

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