What are the different types of podcast?



Getting Started

PodSchool Podcast | What are the different types of podcast?

By rcorbett

Which style is right for you?

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast but have no idea about the different types of shows you could do, here are a few of the most common ones…

1. The Interview Podcast

As the name would suggest this is where you interview a different guest each week.  Or you could also interview multiple guests in one episode.

Advantages of an interview podcast

It opens your show up to a new audience

If a guest shares your show on social media that can open your podcast up to a whole new set of ears.

So keep that in mind when you’re thinking about the experience you want to create for your guests because they’ll always be more willing to share your content if they had a great time.

It gives you access to different content

Instead of having sole responsibility for every single piece of content on your show, interviews open your podcast up to different opinions, stories, advice and expertise.

This provides a lot of variety for your audience and takes a lot of pressure off you.

You can do it from the comfort of your own home

All you need is a computer, a decent microphone, a remote recording platform like Squadcast or Riverside and you’re ready to roll.

Recording your podcast with guests remotely also gives you more flexibility which means you might be able to attract international guests and that’s always a good thing.

Disadvantages of an interview podcast

Booking guests can be difficult

When you’re starting out it can be hard to get guests to say yes to coming on a show they’ve never heard of or one that doesn’t have an audience or a proven reputation.

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and all you need is that first guest to entice the next one but it’s something to keep in mind when you’re getting ready to start your show.

It might take a while to get enough guests locked in to have a decent amount of content ready to go.

You have to work around other people’s schedules

Finding a time to record can be difficult, particularly if you’re trying to book someone who’s really busy.  That’s why you need to be flexible.

You can’t say “Hey I’d love to get you on the show but I can only do half an hour on Friday one week from now”…unless of course, you’re Oprah.

If you’re a newbie podcaster and you want people to come on your show for free (which is the norm) you have to work around them.

Research takes a lot of time

Your guest is always going to be more responsive and generous if you’re well prepared.  Unfortunately, being well prepared takes A LOT of time.

Research has a tendency to fill whatever time you’ve got available so try and be disciplined so you don’t procrastinate but still give yourself enough time to be fully prepared.

Putting time and effort into this part of the process will pay off in the actual interview because you’re always going to get more out of your guest if you’ve got great questions.

Your guest might not be great talent

Just because someone has a great story or impressive expertise doesn’t mean they’re going to be a great interview.

To get the best out of a guest you need to be prepared and make their experience as positive as possible but the truth is, some people just aren’t great podcast talent.

That doesn’t mean they’re not talented but talking into a microphone isn’t for everyone and that’s ok.

Ideally, you want to find this out before you press record so this is where a pre-interview can come in handy.

If you’re not able to do a pre-interview try and book an additional 10-15 minutes at the start of your interview so you can get as comfortable with each other as possible because that will help you get better content in the end.

2. The Solo Podcast

This is a fairly common type of podcast and it’s often used by people who have expertise they want to share with an audience.

The set-up is just you, a microphone and your audience listening on the other end.

Advantages of a solo podcast

You don’t have to worry about anyone else

Because you’re flying solo, you can work to your own schedule without worrying about trying to lock down a guest.

You also don’t have to worry about a co-host being super excited to work with you for the first couple of episodes and then changing their mind after they realise how much work it is (I’ve seen this happen to podcasters A LOT).

Editing is easier

Editing one voice is much easier than editing many.  Plus you’ve got the added joy of not having to deal with things like overtalk which can be a pain in the butt to cut around.

You’re also more likely to stay on track and stick to your episode plan when you’re presenting solo and that’s always a good thing.

It’s a great way to build your personal brand

Doing a solo show is a good way to establish yourself as an expert in your field because you can share your expertise with an audience.

Alternatively, if you’re a comedian or social commentator it’s a great way to get your point of view out into the world without having to write a whole comedy festival show or get a spot on TV or radio.

You can develop a deep connection with your audience

As the host of a solo podcast, it’s just you and your audience so it’s much easier to build a connection with them, fast.

Because you’re speaking directly to them, not a co-host, it won’t take long for your listeners to feel like they know you.

And once they start to feel like that they’ll be more inclined to stick around AND recommend your show.

Disadvantages of a solo podcast

It’s hard to get your performance right

If you’ve got no one to bounce off it can be difficult to harness the conversational energy you need to keep an audience engaged.

So, if you’re brand new to podcasting and nervous behind the mic, I’d recommend taking time to practice before going live so you can get as comfortable as possible.

Also, spend time listening back to your episodes so you can work out how much energy you need to make your show sound engaging.  Often it’s more than you think.

And remember there’s no time limit on this.

You could be recording practice episodes for years before you release anything and no one ever needs to know.  So, practice, practice, practice and you’ll get there.

3. The panel show

This type of podcast is usually hosted by one person with a panel of guests that changes each week depending on the topic.

Advantages of a panel show

It keeps things interesting for your audience

A panel show is a great way to give your audience something different each week because they’re constantly getting access to new opinions and perspectives.

It also means you don’t have to be an expert on every single topic because you can bring in people who are experts in their space so you and the audience can learn from them.

It takes the content pressure off you

When you’ve got other brains in the room, you’ve got other people to rely on for content.

Yes, you’ll need to moderate the conversation which can be hard work, but you’ll also get so much more from your guests than you could dish up on your own.

Disadvantages of a panel show

Booking guests can be tough

Not only is it difficult from a scheduling perspective, but if you’re starting out it might be difficult to get guests to agree to come on your show in the first place.  

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 

In fact, if you work in an industry where you have a lot of colleagues who can offer great insight in your niche you could draw on your personal connections.

One thing to remember is that the more people you’ve got involved in your podcast the more time it’ll take to wrangle those people.

That’s fine if you’ve got a bunch of producers working behind the scenes but if it’s just you, doing this on top of a full-time job, it might be more hassle than it’s worth.

It can be hard to keep things on track

You have to be quite skilled as a moderator to keep a show like this moving and progress the conversation from guest to guest.

Sometimes you’ll have panellists who’ll naturally jump in once someone is finished.  At other times they might need their hands held a little more.

Either way, it’s your job to be on top of things and keep the conversation moving.

If you’re doing this via a remote recording platform with people in different locations it can also be difficult to get the rhythm right.

But if you nail it, it can sound awesome.

4. Conversational and co-hosted podcasts

This style is pretty common and the basic set-up is two or more people having a conversation.

It’s a great option if you’ve got co-hosts you’ve got good chemistry with who are equally committed to building and growing a podcast.

Often there might be one person who takes care of the business of the show e.g. introducing the show, setting up the topics and listing off the calls to action at the end.

Having one person responsible for this can help keep things on track but it’s important everyone still brings something to the conversation.

Advantages of conversational podcasts

It’s a fan favourite

If you’ve got great chemistry with your co-host(s) these shows often build a fan base quickly because people want to be part of the club.

Often listeners will describe these shows as feeling like they’re “catching up with old mates” which is exactly what you want them to say.

It’s fun

If you’ve got great co-hosts who make you laugh and constantly surprise you with their insights and perspectives this style of show can be an absolute blast to do.

You’re relying on other people for content

Two or three heads are better than one when you’re coming up with content for a weekly show.

If you’ve got co-hosts who bring a lot of ideas, planning can be a creative dream.

It makes a great live show

This type of podcast is perfect if you want to go out on the road and do your show in front of a live audience.

Disadvantages of conversational podcasts

Everyone needs to be on the same page

The more co-hosts you have the more you’re at the whim of people’s passions, priorities and schedules.  So, to make this a success everyone needs to be 150% on board or the show will eventually fizzle out.

A podcast partnership is like a marriage so you have to choose the right person or people to get into bed with.

It’s harder to edit

The more people you’ve got on your podcast the more potential for overtalk, tangents, faff, and fluff.

This is important to consider if you haven’t got a great deal of time for editing and post-production.

It’s also a good idea to record less audio because you don’t want to be trying to whittle three hours of recording down to a 30-minute show.

5. Non-fiction storytelling podcasts

Even if you’re an experienced podcaster this type of podcast can be really difficult to do well without a team of people behind you.

Nailing this format often requires journalists, editors, producers, sound designers as well as a lot of time.  Examples include This American Life, Serial and S-Town.

You can make shows like this as simple or complex as you like but they often contain a lot of audio elements including grabs of interviews, ambient sound, phone conversations, behind-the-scenes audio and the list goes on.

They also require time to collect all these different elements, storyboard them and then edit everything together.

So unless you know what you’re doing, this is a style I’d avoid in the early days.

However, if you’ve got access to a great story but you’re not ready to put it together yet, there’s no reason you can’t start collecting interviews or bits of audio and put it together at a later date.

When you eventually do start to put it together you’ll thank yourself for having all that audio in the can.

6. Fiction storytelling podcasts

If you’re a good writer this can be a great way to get your writing out there but again it requires more than just reading into a microphone.

This style is more audio cinema than audiobook and often requires music, production and potentially multiple actors.

7. Repurposed content

You’ll notice a lot of television shows do this where they’ll repurpose their TV show into a podcast for people to catch up on later.

Examples include The Rachel Maddow Show, Real Time with Bill Maher and Paul Murray Live.  This can also be done with live shows like The Moth.

It will often require editing and curation if you want to make sure it translates to a podcast audience.

A lot of shows don’t bother doing this and that ends up limiting the audience to people who missed the show live and want to catch up rather than a podcast-specific audience looking for great content.

A few small tweaks can make your show work as a podcast as well and if the content translates across it can be a great way to get two bites out of the content cherry and grow your audience.

8. Hybrid podcasts

This is a mishmash of the previous types of podcasts.  And you can be as creative as you like with what a hybrid podcast means to you.

You can mix and match depending on what suits your show so cherry-pick the best bits and create a style that’s engaging for your audience.

Got a burning podcasting question you’d like answered? Send me an email.

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help?  Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.

Got some time on your hands? Read the full episode transcript

Hello and welcome to the show. Today I'm going to be chatting about the different types of podcasts that you can create and by no means is this an exhaustive list because you can bet your bottom dollar that as soon as I press publish on this episode somebody will just come up with a brand new way of doing things. But just in case you're starting to think about putting a podcast together but you don't really know the different types or maybe you listen to one type of show and you're not aware of the other ways you can do things I thought I'd run you through a few of the different styles and some of the benefits and disadvantages so you can work out what will best suit your content and your style of presentation.

1. The Interview Show

This is one of the most popular formats. Why? Because in some respects it’s the easiest one to do. Not because there’s not a lot of work involved but because you’re drawing on the content of another person each week so you're opening your show up to a whole bunch of different stories, expertise, advice and input. You're also exposing your show to a brand new audience. If your guest has a lot of fans and they share your show that can open your show up to a whole bunch of people who love your guest and want to see what they’re up to.

Don’t be fooled by the word “easy” because this style of show is still a lot of work. You have to put in the time to research, you need to make sure you’re well prepared and you need to have good interviewing skills, which take a while to develop. There’s a lot that needs to go into it before you get started but because you’re basically getting content from another person (if you ask the right questions, it can be much easier than just sitting there staring at a blank piece of paper thinking “what the hell am I going to talk about this week?”

This can be made even easier if you have a format that means that you're asking the same questions of every guest because that can really reduce your prep time. It can, however, get stale if you don't do it right or if it doesn't suit the idea for your show. As a general rule, it’s always best to have bespoke interview questions that are based on research of your guest's individual story

Advantages of the interview podcast

Obviously, your show is opened up to a lot more listeners because if they love your guest then they will want to hear what they have been doing elsewhere and they might come and hear your show. You're getting more varied content and that means you're tapping into the expertise and stories of other people Even though you might have a lot of experience or you've got a lot of really interesting things to say you only have a finite amount of that. You know you are limited by your life experience and your expertise and all of the things that you've done. But if you open your show up to other people then all of a sudden you've got thousands and thousands of hours of other people's experiences and expertise and stories and all sorts of things so it can really throw open the doors in terms of content and not make it so limiting for you. The other great thing is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home with just an internet connection and a microphone at your end. That also means you can be a bit more flexible in terms of fitting in with another person's schedule so if you're trying to get people overseas you might be able to do late at night.

Disadvantages of the interview podcast

Some of the disadvantages, however, are of course booking guests for a start. If you're just starting your show and people don't know who you are and you don't have a real profile or a website to point to it can be hard to get high profile people on your show.

That does mean it's impossible and to be honest you really only need that one person who takes a chance on you if you win them over with a good email or sell. There is no reason that you can't get your wish list guests on board but it can sometimes be tough in the early days when you're just starting out. The other thing that can be difficult is scheduling and booking guests. That takes a lot of wrangling particularly if your guests are busy. If they've got a lot of stuff to do you really need to work in with them. You can't say to them “Hey I'd love to get you on the show but I can only do half an hour on Friday in one week from now.” You have to throw it open to them if you really want them on the show and say “I'll work around you” and that can be quite tough. It can also mean that it's difficult for you to meet that weekly deadline so when you're doing an interview show the further ahead of yourself that you can be in terms of the record the better off you will be. Another disadvantage is that research can take a lot of time obviously as I said you could do the same questions for each interview but remember that can get a little tired for your audience so it's often good to make sure you're researching each guest. Also for your guest, they like to be on the end of questions where it appears you've spent a bit of time looking into their story and their past. That's a really good way to get a guest on-side.

So the more research that you can do the better. And that can really take some time because you want to make sure that you've covered all the contingencies and you really know your stuff when you walk into that interview so that you are absolutely in control and make your guest feel comfortable.

You can check out another episode that I have of this podcast where I talk about interview tips to help you get the most out of your guests and that'll take you through some other things that will help you make sure they're looking at you going “Jeez I'm glad I did this!” not “I hate your guts and I never want to see you again.” One final disadvantage is that in an interview podcast your fate can be in your guest's hands. You need to bring it every single time and interviewing does take a lot of time to get good at. It’s a real skill and you need to practice and make sure you’re bringing your 75 per cent to the table. But sometimes you'll catch your guest on a bad day or they'll take a dislike to you for some unknown reason. There a whole bunch of variables you just don't have control over. It's always best to try and make sure that you're not front-loading your interview questions with anything that might put them off and make sure that you really make them comfortable with you before you get into the chat. If you can do a pre-interview with them that's great. If you've got a busy person you're probably not going to be able to do that. And if they haven't got a lot of information on the internet about them a brief pre-interview would be really helpful to try and hone your questions. But if you can't get that pre-interview make sure you schedule in enough time so that you can have at least 10 to 15 minutes buffer so that you can sit down in front of the microphone and have a bit of general chit chat to try and build some rapport so that when you actually start questioning your guest isn't coming in completely cold. You want to warn them up a bit so that they get along with you so that they like you, so they feel like they are in safe hands and they feel comfortable. A few extra minutes at the beginning of your interview can really help with that so make sure you schedule that time if at all possible.

2. The Solo Podcast

This type of podcast is the one you are listening to one right now. It's just me talking into my couch cushions by myself with you on the other end. This is a fairly common style of show when you are dealing with somebody who is sharing their expertise or teaching something to an audience. It's a very intimate way to get to know your audience because you are literally presenting and talking straight to their ears you're not talking to your co-host and your audience is listening you are talking directly to your audience.

This is a great way to get across your message. It doesn't also need to be educational if you're a comedian or you just want to do your own social commentary on things you can absolutely do a solo show. But it is difficult if you are just starting out behind the microphone because talking to nobody can be really hard to do. It can be difficult to make it sound interesting and engaging because it can be tough to get the right tone in your voice or enough energy so that you can keep people engaged on the other side. So just be mindful of that because there are some advantages that I'll go through but you need to be quite comfortable behind the mic if you want to do it well.

Advantages of a solo podcast

Obviously, you don't have to worry about another person because it is just you and your microphone on your schedule. You don’t have to worry about booking guests, or dealing with a cohost that was really committed at the beginning and then got over and it only turns up every second week. You have only got yourself to rely on and if you’re passionate about this then that can be great because you can work to your own schedule. Editing your show is also much easier because you only have one voice to deal with. I can't, no matter how hard I try, talk over the top of myself so I don't have any of the issues that I can often have with a co-hosted show where I'm trying to edit things but somebody's spoken over the top of somebody else and I can't get a clean cut. Or somebody has gone off on a tangent and I've tried to cut it out but then later they refer to it so I've got to drop it back in. Just having one voice can make the editing process so much easier because you can stay on track. I have a plan for my shows so I know what I want to tell you I know what I want to go through and because I don't have somebody here to get lost in the moment with it is much easier for me to get through my plan quite simply without much fluff or faff. Doing a solo show is a good way to establish your expertise in a space if you're taking a show like this and you're instructing people or educating people on things. Alternatively, if you're a comedian or a social commentator it's a great way to get your point of view and your voice out into the world and to focus on you as the person behind the microphone. And finally, it really is a great way to establish a deep connection with your audience. Like I said earlier they're not coming to a chat that you are having with somebody else. I am here with you directly speaking right to you. So it's a great way to build a deeper connection with your audience and that's really important if you want people to keep coming back. They need to feel like they know you and that they can trust you and that they begin to like you. Those are all important things to build fans for your show.

Disadvantages of a solo podcast

It can be tough if you've got no one to bounce off to get that energy and conversational style happening so your audience feel like they're just having a chat with you. If you are brand new behind the microphone that can be hard to cultivate. If you want some tips on presenting solo and this seems like something that you would like to do then I also have an episode of this podcast that covers how to present solo and not sound like you're dead behind the mic so that should help you. But one of the things that I would say apart from taking the advice in that episode is to just practice you don't have to release everything that you record. If you want to do a podcast but you want to spend some time getting comfortable first. That is great. Spend some time listening back to your episodes to hear whether the energy you thought you had in your voice at the time is actually what translates into your ears when you listen to it back. Be self-critical and keep on practising until you get that right amount of energy where you sound the way you want to sound to your audience and then you can start to record actual shows that you're going to go live with.
You could be dropping stuff down on tape for three years before you actually release anything. You just need to make sure that you're comfortable and it's really important to listen back to what you're doing because what you are doing into the microphone, I guarantee, will always sound different to what you think it is on the other end. So if you're brand new to this make sure you're practising so you can get comfy That’s the best way for your audience to feel connected to you and you won't be sitting behind the mic going “What do I do by myself?” It can be tough so just practice and you'll get there.

3. The panel show

This usually consists of a host and then a number of rotating guests and it can be an excellent way to bring new perspectives and new points of view and ideas and expertise into your show.
You’ll hear this a lot in newsy podcasts like 1A. They do a Friday news roundup and they'll get a bunch of journalists and experts and there's one guy who's hosting the show who will throw to each of the experts for their opinion.

Advantages of a panel show

This can be great to get a different perspective and to give your audience some different insight. So it's not just relying on you and your ideas but it's drawing on other people's expertise.
If you're rotating people through each week that can be so interesting for your audience because they're getting access to people they wouldn't normally get access to and they're getting lots of different expertise and ideas so that can be a really great way to do things.

Disadvantages of a panel show

Since you have guests to book that can be tough if you want to get really good guests that offer a really good insight. It might be difficult if you're just a brand new podcast starting out. Obviously, a show like 1A or any of the shows that are coming out of news organizations have access to a lot more contacts and so that can be easier for them to get people through the door. Maybe, however, you work in an industry where you have a lot of colleagues that could offer really great insights, expertise or funny stories and you might be able to draw on your personal contacts and connections to create this kind of show. But it can be difficult to book a bunch of guests. As you know with the interview podcast it's hard scheduling one person so if you're trying to schedule three people a week that's just made your life three times more difficult.

It can also be hard to keep things on track. You have to be quite skilled as a moderator. You have to keep the conversation going, keep the ball moving and you have to make sure you're really on top of it. If you’re doing this remotely and you’re connected with your guests via Skype or a Google hangout that can be tough as well because you've got potential over talk. You might not have the usual visual cues you have when you’ve got guests in the same space so it can be hard to wrangle that kind of show unless you have a bit of experience. But if you get it right it can sound really awesome.

4. Conversational/Co-hosted podcast

This is quite common and a lot of comedy show will be in this format where there’s a bunch of people sitting around shooting the shit. This was the style of my old show ‘Paul and Rach” and it’s great if you’ve got co-hosts you’ve got awesome chemistry with. Often there might be one person who does the business of the show e.g. the calls to action, introducing the show and the topics (though you can take turns with this) and that can be helpful because one person can be responsible for keeping things on track. They’re not necessarily talking any more than anybody else they’re just there to keep things moving. If you do this style of show it’s important that everyone brings something to the conversation.

Advantages of conversational podcasts

This is great for an audience because it feels like they’re catching up with old mates. People feel like they know you and they want to be a part of your gang and that can be a lovely thing to create for an audience. It can also be awesome for you as a cohost if you find the right people to bounce off. When you get the mix right you’ve got all these different stories, anecdotes, points of view, funny tales you can throw it in the bowl together rather than having to rely on bringing everything yourself. If you get the right chemistry with somebody or with two people it can be magic. Magic for you as a presenter and magic for the audience. If you have the right chemistry people love to listen to it because it’s great listening to people who dig each other. You can also share some of the idea load which is helpful because that can be hefty. If you've got a bunch of people that you're doing a show with everybody can throw their ideas in the ring rather than you having to come up with everything so that's great.

It can also translate really well to a live show. People love to turn up and see their favourite gang of podcasters doing something live. So if that's something you want to work towards in the future these kind of shows are great for that.

Disadvantages of conversational podcasts

The dreaded scheduling and commitment issue. If you've got a co-host you can never lock down, who was really into it at the beginning and now is getting a little bored or has met some dude or some girl and fallen in love and wants to be just out dating rather than podcasting it can be difficult. Life can get in the way so you really want to be sure when you wed yourself to a cohost they’re as committed to the show as you are. Because people will start to buy into your chemistry. They'll start to like the way you guys sound together and they won't want to lose one of you. You don't want to change that after you've started so be mindful of that when you're getting in. Marrying the right person in a podcast very important. The other disadvantage is that it can be harder to edit if you have more than one voice. You've got potential over talk, tangents, faff and fluff you need to get rid of and it can be tough to edit so think about that when you're thinking about the time that you have available to dedicate to your show.
If you're a longtime listener to this show you will know that I am a very big advocate for editing your shows and so I think it's important to do that even if you think it was 100 per cent gold. Just go through and do a bit of fine-tooth combing so you can make sure that only the best bits make it to air.
So those are things that you need to consider if you're working with cohosts. I have another episode on this show that you can listen to that is all about working with cohosts so check that out.

5. Non-fiction storytelling

If you are a first time or even if you are a very experienced podcast this style can be difficult to do well without a whole bunch of people behind you. These shows take journalists, editors, sound designers and a lot of time to do them well. Shows like this include This American Life and Serial. They mostly cover non-fiction stories told in an investigative journalism style.

This style of show includes lots of little bits of recorded audio including actuality, interviews, ambient sound, behind the scenes audio and you’ll often have a voiceover that ties it all together. Unless you are really experienced this style of show is something I would avoid in the early days because you are dealing with some very experienced competition and it has to be done really well to compete it's an overcrowded space. And it's overcrowded by people who are professional radio people. This is one of my favourite styles of podcast but it can be tough to do solo. However, the thing I love about the fact that this is open to people everywhere is that it now democratizes storytelling. So there are billions of stories on the planet and previously it would have been very hard to get it out there. You might be sitting on a fascinating one so maybe you can create a really compelling podcast around that but it will need more than just a rundown of the story. You’d need to conduct interviews, record some actuality at the scene and do a voiceover. Your story can be compelling but that’s not enough because you need to tell it and put it together in a way that can compete with what’s out there.

6. Fiction storytelling

This is a less crowded space although more people are jumping on board. If you’re a good writer or this can be a great way to get your stories out there but again it requires more than just somebody reading the story into a microphone. It's got to be audio storytelling it's not an audiobook. So this will require production elements as well as it's quite production heavy. So you not only need to be a really good writer, you also need somebody to do a voiceover who will act out the story rather than just reading it. It will also require a bit of added sprinkle not just you talking into a microphone.

7. Repurposed content
You’ll notice this a lot with television shows that repurposed their content into a podcast. The Rachel Maddow Show does it in the United States so does Real Time With Bill Maher and in Australia, Paul Murray Live. It’s basically a panel and talk show that happens on the air and gets repurposed into a podcast later. This can also happen with live shows like The Moth, the live storytelling show. So maybe you do a live show that might lend itself well to a podcast. It will require some editing because you can't necessarily just put the podcast out as it went live but maybe you're part of a live show at the moment and you think “Gosh this would make a great podcast!” So think about that if you're a part of something like that.

8. Hybrid

This is just a mishmash of the previous styles I've mentioned. So maybe you do a conversational show but you have a guest in every episode for an interview. Maybe you are a solo presenter and part of your episode is you dishing out some of your expertise and then in the latter part of the show you have a caller on to ask questions and you interact with them or maybe you do an interview with somebody. There’s not just one style per podcast you can really mix and match depending on what suits you and your content so be as creative as you want. You can really create whatever you want and cherry pick the best bits of each of the different styles to put together something that is really interesting and engaging for your audience.

So, I hope if you had no idea what different types of podcasts there are now you have a clearer understanding of what the benefits and disadvantages of each style are.

If you have any questions you can always head to PodSchoolPodcast.com and hit me up on the contact page. You’ll also find information about my online podcasting course PodSchool.com.au. And if you are finding these tips helpful you know what to do…just sneak into your little podcast app and leave a review (and a five-star rating if you feel so inclined). Thanks so much for joining me. I will see you next week and until then, happy podcasting.


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