How to choose the right podcast player

Getting Started

How to choose the right player for your podcast

Are looks important when it comes to your podcast player?

A snazzy podcast player isn’t going to make up for a crappy show but it does form part of the brand of your podcast so you want it to look the part.

Luckily this isn’t something you have to put together yourself because your podcast host will have one but which one do you choose?

Why is a podcast player important?

When you’re promoting your show you’re often pointing people to places other than a podcast app.  So when people find your show via social media or your website you want to make sure they can hear it.

And a podcast player is the way they do that.

If this is how someone is listening to your show you want to make sure the process is simple and that the look of the player fits in well with the overall brand of your podcast.

You also want to make sure it has links to all the major podcast apps so if people want to subscribe or follow your podcast they can easily see where to do that.

How do you put a podcast player on your website?

When you upload a new episode, your podcast host will generate an embed code that you copy and paste into the text tab of a page or post.

This allows people to play your podcast episode on your website without needing to store the actual audio file there.

If you’ve got a player that looks good it can also add a really nice design element to your page or post that also serves an important purpose.

How do you find the right podcast player?

Your podcast host

Different podcast hosts prioritise player design differently and make updates regularly so when you’re deciding which host to go with make sure you look at their player design if that is important to you.

Podcast apps and independent players

If you don’t like the design of the podcast player inside your podcast host you can embed playable episodes of your podcast by sharing them via podcast apps like Castbox, Spotify and Radio Public or via the podcast search engine Listen Notes.

There are also independent podcast players that are paid like Fusebox or free like this customisable podcast player widget.

A quick google search will turn up other player options or you can check out this list care of Podnews and find one that suits your design style.

Because while looks aren’t everything having a well-designed podcast player on your website can make your show look more polished and professional and that’s always a good thing.

Got a burning podcasting question you’d like answered? Send me an email.

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help?  Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.


4 Responses

  1. Hi Rachel, love the site & the info you provide. Was wondering if you knew of any not-for-profit hosting services, as my intention was not to make $, but more of a hobby.
    Regards Rob

    1. Hey Rob, Thanks for you email. Monetisation on the hosting platforms is only an opt-in you can use if you want it so you can still use the same sites if you’re not intending to monetise. Rach

  2. This tip has just made my day! I’d been trying to figure out how to add a podcast player to our website for ages and this blog made me realise just how easy it is! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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