Choosing the Right Apps and Audience for Your Podcast with Rachel Corbett

Getting Started

Which podcast apps should your podcast be in?

How to make sure your audience can find your show

Listeners access podcasts via directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

And since growing your audience is high on the list of priorities as a podcaster, you want to make sure your show is available wherever potential listeners might want to listen to it.

So, what podcast directories should you submit your show to so it’s available to as many people as possible?

Why do you need to submit your podcast to podcast directories?

So they know your show exists!

Podcasts don’t automatically appear in podcast apps just because you’ve uploaded audio into your podcast host.

For a podcast app to know your show exists you need to tell them.

This is a simple process that involves copying and pasting the RSS feed from inside your podcast host into the submissions website for each of the directories.

It’s an essential step if you want your show to be in all the places people might want to listen to it…

Do you have to submit to all the directories?

You don’t need to submit your show to every directory that was ever created.

In fact, a lot of them will automatically pull your show from other directories like Apple Podcasts so you’ll sometimes see your show in places you didn’t submit to (which is a good thing…the more the merrier).

I’d advise submitting to as many directories as you can (here’s an exhaustive list care of Podnews) but at the very least you need your show to be in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

These are the three major listening apps and having your show in all three means it’ll be available on iPhone AND Android (which is essential).

But ideally, you want it in all the other places as well.

What about SoundCloud?

You can upload episodes to SoundCloud but I find they don’t get a huge amount of listens because most podcast listeners consume content in podcast apps.

The platform is also not set up as a podcast host so there are better options out there for hosting your show.

Where I think SoundCloud is really useful is for sharing show promos.

For my interview series, You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere, I would cut up a bunch of short snippets from each show and share them on social media.

This way people can get a taste of what they’ll hear if they listen to your show and hopefully that entices them to listen to the full podcast and follow or subscribe.


Submitting to podcast directories is something you only need to do once when you launch your show and upload your first piece of audio, which is usually your show trailer.

Once each directory has registered your podcast and knows it exists, all new episodes after that will update automatically without you having to do anything.

How easy is that?!

The main thing you want to ensure is that people can find and listen to your show no matter what app they like or what device they’re on because every listen counts!

Got a burning podcasting question you’d like answered? Send me an email.

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help? Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.


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How to start your own podcast with Rachel Corbett

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