Five questions you should ask yourself before starting a podcast

Five questions you should ask yourself before starting a podcast

To podcast or not to podcast? Podcasting is a great way to get your message out into the world but it’s also hard work. For every show that’s listened to by millions of people, there are thousands that have an audience consisting of the host and their mum. So, should you start a podcast or […]

Are these things holding you back from starting a podcast?

Are these things holding you back from starting a podcast?

Let’s bust a few podcasting myths Starting a podcast can be daunting.  Especially when the only thing you’ve pressed record on is your VCR (hello to anyone who remembers what they are). So to put your mind at ease, here are some of the most common reasons people don’t start a podcast.  And why they […]

How to design a great podcast logo

How to design a great podcast logo

Your podcast logo should attract attention Your podcast logo is the first thing people see when they come across your show and it’s often the reason they’ll stop and take a second look at your podcast. That means you need to put serious thought into designing one that suits your show, stands out from the […]

Podcast Equipment: The four things you need to start a podcast

Podcast Equipment - The four things you need to start a podcast

What gear do you need to be a podcaster? When you’re starting out it’s hard to know exactly what podcast equipment you need to get your show up and running. It’s easy to get lost in a mountain of reviews and think you need a complicated and expensive setup but you really only need four […]

What are the different types of podcast?

What are the different types of podcast?

Which style is right for you? If you’re thinking about starting a podcast but have no idea about the different types of shows you could do, here are a few of the most common ones… 1. The Interview Podcast As the name would suggest this is where you interview a different guest each week.  Or […]

How many people should you have on your podcast?

Podcast with Rachel Corbett

Is there a magic number? When you’re thinking about how many people to have on your podcast your decision should always be based on what’s best for your audience and what’s best for your content. So, what’s a good number of podcast hosts? This will depend on your content but usually, the ideal is anything […]

The steps to release a podcast episode

The steps to release a podcast episode

What are you in for? If you’re new to podcasting you might not realise how many steps are involved in getting a podcast episode out into the world. So, here’s a rundown of what goes into it so you know exactly what you’re in for… Step 1: Plan and prepare for your episode The more […]

How long does it take to put together a podcast episode?

How long does it take to put together a podcast episode?

How long’s a piece of string? So you want to start a podcast but you’re wondering if you have enough time? There are lots of things that go into getting an episode from your head into people’s ears.  And every step can impact how long it takes to put your show together. Podcasting is definitely […]

How to start your own podcast with Rachel Corbett
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