PodSchool Podcast | How to promote your podcast


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How to promote your podcast

How to get more people listening to your podcast

If you want to grow your podcast audience, promotion is essential to get your show in front of more eyes and ears.

So how do you promote your podcast in a way that’s interesting and engaging and that encourages more people to listen?

The things you must do to promote your podcast

When it comes to promoting your podcast it’s often best to choose the strategies that work best for you and focus on those rather than trying to do everything.

However, there are a few things you must do including…

Submit your show to podcast directories

If you want people to listen to your show you need them to be able to find it and that means your show needs to be in the major podcast directories.

There are new ones springing up every day but at the very least you want your show to be in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

You can spend half your life submitting to every other directory known to man but these three are the main ones and you’ll find once you’ve submitted to these your show will pop up automatically in a few others that import feeds directly from Apple Podcasts e.g. Overcast.

Essentially, you want your show to be in every place a potential listener might want to listen.

Share your podcast using a universal link

If you’ve been promoting your podcast using only your Apple Podcasts link, anyone on an Android phone who’s clicked on that link would have been sent to internet purgatory. Not a great place to be.

Android users make up a huge proportion of the global population so that’s a lot of potential ears you’re missing out on if you’re not using a link that works for everyone.

How to submit your podcast to podcast apps


Make sure your podcast is optimised for search

Podcast SEO is really important for discoverability because it means people don’t need to be in a podcast app to find your show.

They can be searching for something in Google and if your SEO is on point your show will pop right up.

Create detailed show notes

If you’ve got a decent amount of information in your show notes pages and you’ve got your SEO right, people can find your podcast by landing on your website.

For the PodSchool Podcast, I create a corresponding blog post for every episode.

That way I’m creating content for people who want to listen as well as read and I’m giving Google all the information it needs to help people find my show.

When people land on your show notes pages you want them to be able to easily play your episodes.

Plus you need to provide all the information and links they need to easily subscribe or follow your show.

A beginner’s guide to podcast SEO


Promote your podcast on social media

When you’re sharing your show on social media you need to be a bit more creative than just sharing a link to your episodes.

You want to get people interested enough to listen right then and there or search for it in their podcast app to listen to later.

Below are a few examples of content you can share on social media to get you thinking.

It’s important to choose the right content for your show, to be creative and mix it up if you can…

Behind the scenes content

When you’re sharing content to promote your podcast it doesn’t need to be limited to audio of your show.

Sharing behind-the-scenes vision or even a photo of the making of your show can help an audience get a sense of you as a host and the vibe of your podcast.

Peter Berner recording between couch cushions on You've Gotta Start Somewhere

These videos or images don’t need to have high production value, in fact, with behind-the-scenes content it’s often better to share things that are a bit more raw and real like this photo of Peter Berner recording my podcast You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere.

With this photo I wanted to show my audience the lengths you go to, to try and get good audio.

As well as the fact that podcasting isn’t always about recording in a professional studio…even when you do this for a living.

Insights, quotes or memes

If your guest says something interesting, insightful, revealing or just downright entertaining, take that quote and use it to create a visual tile to promote the episode.

Quote from Carrie Bickmore on You've Gotta Start Somewhere

If people can get a sense of the kind of content they’re likely to hear if they listen to your show, and they like it, they’ll be more likely to give it a try.

Snippets of audio

Sharing audio teasers (short snippets of audio from your show) can be a great way to get people to try before they commit to listening to a full episode.

You can do this by uploading short sections of your show to Soundcloud and sharing those…

Or creating audiograms using tools like Headliner or Wavve


Instead of saying “this is great” in words, you can prove it by sharing engaging moments that will make people want to listen.

Don’t forget to share your episodes more than once

One mistake I see a lot of podcasters make is they share their podcast episode the day it’s released and then never speak of it again.

If your show is based around topical content it’ll obviously have a fairly short shelf life but that doesn’t mean you need to tweet about it once and that’s it.

Make sure you tell your audience about it as soon as it goes live, then again the next day and maybe a couple more times that week.

If your content is evergreen you can schedule social posts to promote episodes over the coming weeks, months or even years.

And if you know what’s coming there’s no reason why you can’t also pre-promote each episode before it’s live to build interest.

It might feel like a lot but platforms like Twitter move so fast you might post about an episode five times before someone sees it.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook aren’t as forgiving when you’re posting about the same thing over and over but your followers also don’t see everything you post (thanks to the magic of algorithms).

So work out a schedule that works for you and your audience and share, share, share.

Don’t forget hashtags

Including the right hashtags in your social media posts can help get your episodes in front of people who are searching for content in that niche.

This is great for discoverability because it means you can find new listeners even if they’ve never heard of you or your show.

How to share your podcast to iPhone and Android with one link


Additional strategies to promote your podcast

Leverage the audience of your high-profile guests

Having a guest with a big following doesn’t guarantee you’ll be inundated with new listeners but it can definitely help get your show in front of new ears and eyes.

If you’ve got a high-profile guest on your show make sure you send them all the information they need to share the episode with their audience. And make it easy.

Send them a universal link that works on all devices as well as any visual assets you’ve made e.g. images or audiograms.

A word of warning here.

Make sure you look at the aesthetic of your guest’s social pages before you create images for them to share.

If their profile is a mix of soft pinks and greys and you give them an image consisting of bright primary colours that completely clashes with their brand you’re almost guaranteeing they won’t share it.

Also, make sure that no matter how you share your show you always tag them in the post because reposting what you’ve posted is the easiest way for someone to share.

And whatever you do, remember, the social media feed of your guest is theirs, not yours.

It’s something they’ve cultivated through time and hard work so you need to take that into consideration by sending them content they’ll want to share but also by being respectful if they decide they don’t want to share it i.e. don’t be a pest.

Create a content hub on your website

If you add categories and tags to the podcast content on your website you can create pages where all the content under these categories or tags is grouped together.

Then you can share that on social media.

For example, if your podcast is about business and you’ve got a bunch of episodes tagged with ‘startup’ you could share those episodes in a group for people looking for content all about the startup phase of a business.

Then you’re offering a wider range of content than just a single episode and encouraging people to listen to more than one.

What are show notes and why do you need them?


Get your friends and family to listen

When you start a podcast, convincing people you’ve never met to listen to your show is a lot harder than roping in your friends and family.

This can sometimes feel a bit weird but the people in your life will want to support you.

And if you can’t sell your show to them, who can you sell it to?

Build an email list

This strategy is not about grabbing a whole bunch of email addresses, sending an email every time you drop an episode and providing nothing else of value.

Email lists don’t work for everyone but if you’re going to build one you have to put in serious time and effort because an email list is only as powerful as the people you’ve got on it.

If you run a giveaway and people have given you their email address through that, chances are they’re probably there for free stuff rather than the content you provide so you might end up with a list full of people who aren’t right for you.

A list like that results in really low open rates and a lot of unsubscribes, so you’re always better off having a smaller list filled with the right people.

A couple of hundred people who love your stuff are much more powerful than 50,000 people who send your emails straight to their junk folder.

Once you’ve got a list of great email subscribers, you need to keep them and that’s hard.

You need to send out a lot of content to cultivate a relationship with them so they’ll be interested when you send out requests for them to check out your show or subscribe.

If you don’t have the time or the passion to do this and you just want a list of people to blast out your episodes to, don’t bother.

You won’t get the results you’re after unless you put in the hard work.

Oh, and if you don’t have an email list at least pop a link to your podcast in your email signature so you’re promoting your show when you send emails.

Should you tell people to ‘subscribe’ to your podcast?


Make the most of social media groups and forums

This method of promotion takes a bit of time and effort because you can’t join a Facebook group or forum and start peppering the feed with desperate pleas for people to listen to your podcast.

There are often strict rules about spruiking in these groups so if you’re going to join these communities you need to offer value first.

Facebook groups often have specific days when you can plug what you’re doing but I find them a better source of content than promotion because they’re full of people asking questions in your niche.

Answer questions on Quora

Building a profile on this, or any platform, takes time but if you chip away at it, it can be an effective way to establish yourself as an expert.

It’s not going to bring in millions of new listeners but every little bit helps.

Are high-profile guests a good way to grow your podcast audience?


Use paid social

If you’re sharing your episodes on social media try boosting a few posts.

Unfortunately, one of the limitations of paid social is you can’t tell if someone actually listened to your episode after they saw your ad unless you use a tracking service like Chartable.

Social media ads also don’t translate to thousands of new listeners so this method of promotion is often mostly about building awareness, which is still really important.

Sometimes it’ll take someone seeing a post 19 times before they’ll try your podcast so maybe experiment with a small amount per day for a period and see if it has any impact on downloads.

Get your show in the features section of Apple or the podcast charts

Getting your podcast featured in sections like New & Noteworthy or in the Apple Podcasts charts can really help you get more listeners because a lot of people look at both these places when they’re searching for new podcasts.

The inner workings of the Apple Podcasts charts remain a mystery but most experts say it’s new subscribers that push you up the ranks rather than ratings or reviews, although ratings and reviews can be great social proof for when new listeners arrive.

As for New & Noteworthy, don’t be fooled by people who sell you ways to trick the system.

All the feature sections in Apple Podcasts are curated by real people so your best bet to get your show in these places is to submit your show, deliver great content consistently, have great artwork that looks professional and have everything set up according to Apple’s best practice guidelines.

Does your podcast have to be niche?


Get yourself or your show on other podcasts

The easiest people to convince to try a new podcast are people who are already listening to podcasts. You can do this by pitching yourself as a guest on people’s shows or by buying ads.

The first step is to search your podcast category to find other shows in your niche and give them a listen. You want to be on shows that you think fit in well with your show’s tone.

This is especially the case if you’re going to spend money because you want to spend it in the right places and that means finding shows with an audience that would be interested in content like yours.

If you haven’t got a huge budget you might be able to offer an ad swap with another podcast and agree to put ads on your show in exchange for them putting ads for your show on theirs.

You might even be able to arrange an episode swap where another podcast drops an episode of your show in their feed and vice versa. This is more likely to be possible when you’ve got similar audience sizes but it’s something to think about.

Whatever strategy you go with, getting the alignment right is crucial because if you’re going to be recommending another show on your podcast you want it to be one your audience will enjoy.

Ask your listeners to share your show

The people who make it all the way to the end of your episode are your hardcore fans and the ones who’ve obviously enjoyed your content. So don’t forget to ask them to share it!

Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful ways to get new listeners but it’s also a slow way to grow so you want to keep reminding people to share.

How do you grow your podcast audience?


Run a giveaway

This is on the list with a caveat – don’t be a dick.

You need to strike a balance with giveaways between truly offering your audience something of value and just begging for subscribers.

To grow your show long term you need listeners who are engaged in your content and who are going to listen week after week. You don’t want people who just want free stuff but then will forget about your show.

In my old podcast, Paul and Rach, we were getting some great reviews and we wanted to shout out the people who’d taken the time to rate the show.

So we started doing a segment at the end of each episode called “Five-Start Shout Out” where we’d call out people who’d given us a five-star review that week.

If you do something like this you still need to think about your other listeners and make sure you’re making it entertaining for them.

We’d encourage our listeners to write a little message in the review so we could call that out and have a bit of a laugh about it.

That helped us turn it into content for everyone rather than just being a list of names no one cares about (unless it’s their name being called out).

Buy ads on podcast platforms

You can purchase ads on podcast platforms like Spotify or Podbean to promote your show.

The reason this can be powerful is because you’re speaking to people who are familiar with on-demand audio and are already in the app so they don’t need to jump through a bunch of hoops to find your show.

You’re also not wasting time and money pitching your show to people who don’t listen to podcasts.

And there you have it! A mountain of ideas to help you promote your show.

So, choose a few that feel right for your show and get spruiking!

Got any other great ideas for how to promote your show? Write them in the comments below!

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help? Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.

Got some time on your hands? Read the full episode transcript

Hello there, welcome to the show. I hope you are safe and self-isolating and staying at home and looking after yourself and working on your podcast. What better time to do it? Today's episode is all about how to promote said podcast because nobody gets into podcasting with the hopes they will be broadcasting their show to nobody but their mother. So if you don't want that to be the case, it's important that you tell people about your show and not just people that you know, but people that you have never met. So in today's episode, I'm going to take you through a bunch of ways that you can promote your podcast and really you can get as creative as you like. This is not an exhaustive list. There are always going to be new ways to do it and there will be ways that specifically suit your show. And it's always exciting to see how people promote their show using strategies that are unique to their content, because you want to be sharing interesting stuff that makes people go "This sounds like a cool show, I want to check it out!" Rather than just sending out a boring old link to your episodes and thinking anybody's going to care about it.

So to kick off, I just want to go through some of the things you must do when it comes to podcast promotion. The first is that you must make sure your show is submitted to podcast directories. That might seem like a silly thing to say, but that is really where you need your show to be to make sure that people can find it. You want it to be in all of the apps that people will be looking for it. So at a very minimum, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify. There are plenty of other podcast apps out there and you can submit until your heart's content, so if you want to know more about submitting your show to the podcast directories, I've got another episode of this show on that exact thing you can check out. The other thing is you want to make sure you are sharing your show with a universal link. And by that I mean a link that works for everybody no matter what device they're on. You might not know this, but if you have just been sharing your iTunes link, if there is anybody on an Android phone that's been clicking on that, they've probably rolled into Internet purgatory, which is not a great place to be. So it's essential you have a link that works for everybody. You can either send people to your website, you could send them to the page your podcast host creates for your show or there are also a bunch of platforms that create a link that automatically opens in Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Again, I have another episode of this podcast that takes you through some of the different ways that you can create a universal link. You also want to make sure your show is optimised for search. SEO is very important in podcasting now since Google stepped into the podcasting space. They are turning up playable episodes in their search results and really putting podcasts front and centre in a way they weren't doing a number of years ago. So you want to make sure you've got your SEO right in your titles, your descriptions, your show notes, absolutely everywhere in the hopes that people searching for keywords that relate to your content will find you, even if they don't know that you have a show or have never heard of you before. I also have another episode of this podcast on podcast SEO so make sure you check that out. I will pop into the description of this episode, links to any of the other episodes that are applicable to the stuff that I talk about in today's podcast so you can have them all in one place. Speaking of SEO, you should also be creating show notes for each of your episodes as well, because that can be a great way for people to find your podcast through search rather than popping across your show directly. They can come in via your website and your show notes page and find your show that way. And then finally, the other must do is that you must share your show on social. You don't have to be across all platforms. In fact, it's probably best to choose one or two and do them really well rather than trying to be across everything and doing it half-arsed. You want to try and share things on your social media that capture the essence of the content you are doing on your show and the vibe of you as a host so people can really get a sense of what they're going to get if they do click and listen. Some of those things could be behind the scenes content. You can also take quotes from interviews that you do or even quotes from yourself if you're sharing on a show page and make those into social tiles. You could do an audiogram, where you take a little audio snippet from the episode and make a tile to share on social. You also want to make sure that you are sharing your show more than once, especially if your content is evergreen, which means that it doesn't date. You don't want to just share your show once when the episode drops and then never speak of it again. You can schedule social content for weeks and months in advance and keep on plugging old episodes from your back catalogue so that people can keep on finding your show over time. If it's evergreen and the content sits there and can be consumed at any time you can get new eyes and ears on that content for years to come. You don't want to have spent all of that time creating shows and then think, oh well I'll just share it once and not bother about it. And also think about hashtags as well. Do a bit of research and think about the right hashtags to share your content with, because they can be a good way to get your show in front of people that might not know anything about you or your show, but are searching for keywords and content in that particular niche.

So those are some of the things you should be doing at a bare minimum. Now I'm going to talk about some of the additional strategies that you can use and you can really pick and choose which ones of these that you like and focus on a few and try and do them really well. Again, not an exhaustive list. Always interested to hear what you're doing. So please, if you've got great ideas for sharing your show and promoting it send me an email. Just head to PodSchoolPodcast.com and hit the contact page.

Some of the additional strategies are leveraging the audience of guests on your show. So if you have guests come in and you're interviewing them, that's a whole new audience you can get in front of just by providing the right collateral for them to share when they've been on your podcast. So make sure when you have guests on your show after they finish up you send them an email with a really easy link and some really nice assets that they might be able to share. If you share about it on your social platforms, make sure you tag them because it's often easier for people to re-post something that's already been posted than it is to fashion a social media post themselves. A bit of a tip with these social platforms of guests... remember they are not yours. So it is entirely up to your guest whether or not they are going to share your show on social media. A lot of people are very particular about what they share on their platforms and you have to be respectful of that. They've curated and cultivated their following and sometimes people can be very, very picky about what they share. So if they come onto your podcast, make it as easy as possible for them to share your show. But if they don't. Don't be a pest. Don't bug them and bug them and bug them until they eventually think "Go away!" Because sometimes they might not want to share it and that's okay. You have to be appreciative of the content that they have given you and realise they've given you something great to actually put onto your podcast. But all you can do is make things as easy as possible, and that includes creating assets that actually fit on their social media feeds. So go and have a look at their feeds. And if they have got a perfectly curated Instagram page with soft pinks and greys that all fits in with the same colours and the same brand hues, then do not send them a garish image with primary colours that wouldn't fit in with their brand at all. You have to try and make assets that will fit as best as possible with their branding.

Another strategy is to create content hubs on your website. So if you have got content on your podcast and you are creating show notes for each of those episodes and your using categories and tags inside WordPress. Then you can create hubs of content and share that content out. So rather than sharing individual episodes, you're actually sharing content in a similar theme. So for example, if you've got a business podcast and you've got a bunch of different episodes that are about startup culture or things associated with startup businesses, then maybe you can tag that content "startup" and then you've got a hub on your website that has all the content on your show related to startups that you could share for people looking specifically for content around starting up a business. Think about how you can group your content together, particularly once you get to the point where you've had quite a few episodes and you've got quite a lot of content on your site. Then you can start to share that out in more themed chunks rather than just talking about one episode at a time.

Here's another strategy that some people often forget... rope any friends and family. I know it seems like you know the very bottom of the rung of the promotional strategies, but people often forget that they know a lot of people and that those people would probably be very interested in checking out a podcast that you've started. So don't feel embarrassed or silly about sending a blanket email to all of the people that you know or sharing it on your personal Facebook page and encouraging people that you know to listen to write reviews, to rate your podcast, to share their thoughts and to give you some feedback as well if you're just starting out. It can be good to get a sense of what people think about your show. So don't forget your friends and family.

Next strategy is building an email list. This isn't right for everybody and maybe you've already got one and you can start sharing your podcasts to your email list. Do not do this if you just want to collect email addresses to have a bunch of emails to send out saying "there's a new episode." You need to cultivate your list and create content quite regularly to get people to be engaged enough to click on things when you share them. So this is not a simple strategy and it doesn't work for every single show, but it's certainly something to think about. If there's some constant contact that you could have with your email list where you're providing interesting content or you can touch base with them it might work for your show. It might not, but it's something to think about.

Next strategy is groups and forums. So things like Facebook groups can be great, especially if you have a podcast that's in a specific niche. You can jump into those communities and develop relationships with people and share your show. A word of warning on this. Most groups will have rules that say that you can't spruik. So do not be the person that jumps into the group and starts going. "Listen to this!" Jumping into some of these groups and forums is a long term strategy. You need to build a relationship with the people in those groups. You need to provide a lot of value and then you can start to occasionally share your show. Or alternatively, they'll often have a specific day where you're allowed to spruik things and you can share your show then. But I often find groups and forums a better source of content than promotion.

On that, a website, Quora is a Q&A website where people ask questions and then experts or people that aren't experts answer those questions. There are questions about just about everything you can think about but sometimes you can build up a profile in there if you're answering a lot of questions. And that could be another good promotional tool as well.

Paid social is another option. You don't have to start with big budgets. You can start small and test and see if it has any impact on your listening. One of the problems with this is attribution. So you can tell if somebody clicked on the link that you put in your ad, but you're often not sure if they have listened. So sometimes it's about setting yourself a timeframe, maybe two weeks or a week or whatever you're going to do to send out the ads and then measuring the listens in your podcast hosts to see if there was any significant difference. The other thing I'd mentioned about paid social is that often it's about awareness rather than direct listening. So rather than actually having somebody listen straight away often with social media ads it takes people seeing things about 19 times before they actually go, "Oh, I might look at that in my podcast app!" so it can be a bit more of an awareness play and can be harder to measure sometimes, but it is often a good part of the mix. Again, don't blow a whole bunch of money on it if it's not working for you. Try and test and learn with smaller amounts and then spend more if it seems to be working.

The next thing that can be great to increase awareness is getting your show featured in Apple podcasts in their feature section and also in the iTunes charts. Do not be fooled by people who tell you they have a way to trick the algorithm of getting into new and noteworthy because it's curated by somebody. So the features section you need to submit your artwork and your show to be featured. And it's important to have a really good show with great artwork that adheres to Apple's guidelines because they're not going to feature shows that don't meet those criteria. When it comes to the iTunes charts not even Apple can tell you how those things work but most of the pros say that it is about new subscribers rather than ratings and reviews. So ratings and reviews, they say, don't have that much of an impact on the podcast charts. But getting new people to subscribe to your show is what shoots your show up the charts. That is why podcast promotion is so important so you're getting your show in front of new eyes and ears because you want new people to be clicking and trying your show and then enjoying what they hear and subscribing to your show. So to get your show featured you can submit your show to Apple but in terms of the charts you just need a solid show, you need to deliver it consistently, you need to promote the heck out of it and you need to get people subscribing and coming into your show regularly.

You can also promote your show by being a guest on other podcasts. You could also purchase ads on other podcasts that you think are going to appeal to people who would like the content that you have on your show. You can also do ad swaps or episode swaps with other podcasts, so have a look around and search for podcasts in your niche and see if you can find shows that you really like that seem to fit with the vibe of your show that you think all my audience would really dig the content. You can do an episode swap where you drop an episode of their show in your feed and they do the same for you. That's probably only going to be possible if you are working with somebody who has a similar amount of downloads to you. But you can always buy ads on a bigger show and contact them directly and see if they'd be interested in having your show promoted on their podcast for a fee. There are lots of ways to get your show in front of other listeners because really the easiest people to convince to listen to your show are people that already listen to and enjoy podcasts. And if you can find shows in your niche that people are listening to that might enjoy your show as well that can be a good way to get your show in front of people who would enjoy the content.

The other thing to remember is that little bit at the end of your show where you are wrapping up and saying goodbye. The people who have gotten all the way to the end of your show have clearly enjoyed your content so why not ask them to do you a little favour and share your show? They can often be your biggest advocates, and word of mouth is still a really important way to increase the number of listeners on your show. It's not a fast way to grow your audience, but it is a good way to get people in the door that might not have found you before. So encourage people who listen all the way to the end to share your show with someone they know. And obviously, if they've stuck with you all the way through the episode, they are going to probably give it a good ol plug. So encourage them to do that.

The other thing you can do is run giveaways. I say this with a caveat because I don't want you to be a dick about it. It's a fine line between trying to buy off likes and listens. And I think that's a bit icky. In my old show, Paul and Rach, we used to get quite a few five-star reviews and we thought I'd be really nice to shout these people out. So we used to do a segment at the end of the podcast called 5-Star Shout Out, where we would shout out the people that had left us a five star review. Now, the important thing to remember is that this is still content, right? You've still got people listening who didn't leave a review, who need to be entertained. So we would often encourage people to send us a little message in the review. And they were really funny. So we would use those little messages as a bit of a conversation piece. It was a mix of shouting out people that left us reviews but also having a joke around about the funny things that they had said in their reviews. So it was still content, but it was still encouraging people to leave a review and it was also encouraging them to be a part of the show and be a bit more creative by leaving us a little message. So that was a giveaway in a sense because we were giving away a shoutout on our show in exchange for a review. But it certainly wasn't "Hey, leave us a five-star review and we'll give you a chocolate" which gives me the creeps a bit. I think if you can't get people on board with your content, that's a problem and you don't want to bribe people to do it. So think of an interesting way that you could do a giveaway without it feeling too icky.

And then a final strategy that you can do is you can buy ads on podcast platforms like PodBean and Spotify as well. This can be good because you are putting your ad in front of listeners who are already in an audio on demand platform. They don't have to go through a bunch of hoops or jump into another app or click a link and follow a trail to find your show. They can listen right there where they are at that point in time. And that can be a good strategy to get people across to your show.

So those are some ways that you can promote your podcast outside of just sharing a link and saying, please listen to this, even though you don't know anything about it. I hope that's helped you think a little bit more creatively about podcast promotion. If you need more help with your show, please head to PodSchool.com.au where you will find details of my online podcasting course. I'm actually right in the middle of a gigantic refresh of it and I will be doing a brand new launch very shortly. So if you would like to be a part of the course and get your podcast up and running if you've got a bit more time on your hands at the moment if you've decided now is the time to start the show you've always wanted to do, then please head to podSchool.com.au. I would love to help you get your show off the ground.

Thank you so much for listening to the show and if you have gotten all the way to the end, why not share it with somebody else who might be interested in making their own podcast? How about that? Practising what I preach. I'll see you in the next episode and until then, happy podcasting.

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