Do you need a website for your podcast?

Growing Your Audience

Do you need a website for your podcast?

Why a podcast website is worth the effort?

Creating a website for your podcast might seem like a punish when you’re already putting together so much content for your show but it’s really important if you want a truly professional podcast. And here’s why…

A podcast website will help new listeners discover your show

Discoverability is one of the greatest challenges for podcasters so getting your SEO right can help your podcast pop up when people are searching for content outside of podcast apps.

Maybe someone’s looking for information on a guest you’ve interviewed or is interested in a topic you’ve covered in one of your earlier episodes.

If you’ve created detailed show notes for each epiaode and optimised them for search, you’re more likely to turn up in the search results for that keyword.

If people find your show this way you want to make sure you’ve got a podcast player front and centre so they can easily play your episode, as well as details on how they can subscribe or follow your show.

This will help turn website visitors into podcast listeners.

It’s also a great way to get old episodes in front of a new audience even if they were created years before.

Most people won’t scroll back very far in their podcast app but if they’re searching for content in a specific niche on Google, an episode from years ago might turn up in their search results and voila!

Your old content is new again!

A podcast website is a place for listeners to find out more about you

If people like your show they’ll want to find out more about you and a website is the first thing they’ll search for.

A website isn’t just a place for your About Page. It’s also a place where you can educate people about all the different things you do.

Have you got other podcasts they’d enjoy? Then make sure you’ve got a podcast page on your website.

Do you offer a paid program or sell goods or services that would be a perfect complement to the content offered on your podcast? Then pop these additional resources in your sidebar so people can see them when scrolling through your show notes.

If listeners enjoyed your content enough to search for your website it’s likely they’ll want to know more about you so take the opportunity to tell them what else you do.

A podcast website gives you a place to communicate with your audience

True fans of your podcast will want a way to communicate with you outside of the show.

If you’ve got a website it’s a good idea to have a contact page so people can get in touch.

You can also add a Speakpipe button if you’d like people to leave a voice message for your show (they could also record these on their phone and email them in) and links to your social media platforms so they can follow you online.

You might also want to start an email list for your audience but be warned, this is not about collecting email addresses and then blasting out spam.

Building a healthy email list takes a lot of time and hard work and you need to be sharing useful content with your subscribers consistently, not just shouting at them every time an episode is live.

If you want people to share their email address you need to exchange something of value, often called an ‘opt-in’ or ‘lead magnet.’

This can be a useful resource guide or cheat sheet, anything relating to your podcast content that you think your audience would find useful.

For my email list, I share a PDF that explains all the tools and tech you need to start a podcast and then after people join my list, every week I send an email with a podcast tip and another one with a podcast recommendation..

It takes a lot of work to deliver content to your audience every week but it’s essential if you want to build a strong relationship.

A podcast website is a universal link you can share with everyone

Sharing your podcast using a link that works or everyone is essential if you want to grow your audience.

If you’ve only been sharing your podcast via your Apple Podcasts link then anyone who’s clicked on that using an Android phone would have been taken to internet purgatory.

Not a good place to be.

Linking to a page on your website works for everyone, no matter what device they’re on so that can be a simple option.

A podcast website is a place where you can provide even more value for your audience

Don’t get me wrong, a free episode of your podcast is great but with a website you can offer your listeners even more.

Even if it’s as simple as creating detailed show notes that list every link you referred to in an episode so they don’t need to write it down, that’s a valuable resource.

Or maybe you could create a cheat sheet or step-by-step guide that takes people through content you covered in a particular episode (this can also be used as an opt-in or lead magnet to get people to join your email list).

The sky’s the limit when it comes to additional episode content so be creative (but useful) and your listeners will love you for it.

A podcast website gives you an opportunity to monetise your audience

Bringing people to your website means they can take advantage of your affiliate deals, enrol in courses or programs you offer, purchase show merchandise or donate to your show.

You can also get them into your sales funnel via the free resources you create for individual episodes.

Not every listener will turn into a paying customer but you can increase the chances by having a podcast website.

A podcast website provides additional analytics

Google Analytics can give you information on where your website visitors are coming from, what pages they’re spending the most time on, how long they’re sticking around and how they’re finding you.

This can be a great complement to your podcast analytics (which aren’t particularly detailed) and can help you make useful content decisions.

A podcast website makes your show look more professional

Having a home for your podcast online is a great way to control your brand and the messaging around your podcast.

It also helps you build authority in Google and show potential listeners that you’re in this for the long run.

If you’re asking them to commit to you it’s good if they feel confident your show won’t disappear after five minutes and a web presence can help with that.

Pro Tip: Does your podcast website need to be separate from your personal website?

It’s always best to point people to one place rather than having your web traffic spread out over multiple websites but how do you do that?

Easy! Using redirects!

With each of my podcasts, I purchase a corresponding domain name because it makes the messaging in my podcast much simpler.

For example, it’s easier to say “Head to” than it is to say “Head to, find podcasts in the menu and click on PodSchool.”

Who’s going to follow that convoluted path?

To make things simple I redirect my domain to a page on my website that houses the archives of all my PodSchool episodes.

That way people are taken directly to the content they’re looking for with one click but they’re also taken to the hub of all my other content so they can find out more about me, see my other shows and get a feel for my entire brand.

Got a burning podcasting question you’d like answered? Send me an email.

Want to start your own podcast but need a little help? Download my “How To Start A Podcast” guide or sign up for my online podcasting course, PodSchool.


5 Responses

  1. Question: I own a piano school and teach piano, so my website is for the piano studio business. But I’m starting a podcast for piano teachers. Should I create a whole new website for my piano teachers podcast? Or could I just do a subdomain? What do you recommend?

    1. Hey CJ, You’re always best trying to utilise the website traffic you’ve already built so I’d use your existing website rather than starting another one. For my podcasts I’ll often buy the domain for the show and redirect that URL to a blog roll or page on my site eg. Hope this helps! Rach

  2. I am still trying to get started. I have everything in place a website with all the bells and whistles. I have all my notes ready I tell true life stories about my life, my trials I went throught to get where I am now. I am still learning how to edit that is my only issue I have.

  3. Hello Rachel!
    Just a quick note to thank you for your info on how important it is to establish a domain website for podcasting. I’m still in the research and developing zone for my own podcast. I was on the fence about creating a website but after listening and reading your professional reasons for doing the work, I am convinced! I truly appreciate your expertise and enjoy listening to you!

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How to start your own podcast with Rachel Corbett

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